III International Competition of dance Roseta Mauri 2006
Henning AlbrechtsenSotsdirector Royal Danish Ballet.In 1985 Albrechtsen became member of the Royal Danish Ballet, where he has danced principal and soloist in Romeo amb Juliet, Sawan Lake, Abdallah, Serenade, Etudes, Allegro Brilliante, Pavane, Agon, The Kermesse in Bruges, Napoli, A Folk Tale and Piano Concert. Henning has been guest dancing with National Ballet of Canada, Atlanta Ballet and Inou Ballet in Japan. Since 1998 he has been teaching at the Ballet School of the Royal Theatre. He has been Bournoville repertoirre and de duex at Birger Bartholin International Summe Seminar, as well as Bournoville technicque at the balletschool on Cuba. In 2000 Henning Albreschtsen was appointed Deputy Artistic Director of the Royal danish Ballet.
Susan JaffePrima Ballerina of the American Ballet Theatre of New York.She is Prima Ballerina in the American Ballet Theatre of New York. Mijail Barishnikov, Director of Art of the mentioned ballet, in 1980, bets for a transformation of the Ballet Theatre of New York with the idea of promoting its aesthetics and techniques and adds Jaffe in its repertoire of dancers.
Susan Jaffe, from this moment, receives positive reviews of her exceptional performances in important roles like Odette/Odile in a Swan Lake, Kitri in Don Quixote, Romeo and Juliet, Swanhilda in Coppelia, etc.
She has worked and performed several repertoires of the most famous choreographers of the XX century, including the works of George Balanchine (Apolo, Mozartiana, Ballet Imperial, Violon Concert, La Sonanbula), the works of Anthony Tudor (The Garden of Kyres, Gala Performance, etc.), the works of Kenneth Macmillan (Manon, the Sleeping Beauty, etc), the works of Jerome Robbins, etc.
Her many European commitments include performances in the Royal Ballet, The Kirov Ballet, The Stutgart Ballet, The Munic State Opera Ballet, The Royal Danish Ballet, and the English National Ballet.
She appeared in many television productions, for instance: Dance in America, Angie in 1994 with Geena Davis and the Documentary of ballet, directed by Federick Wiseman, in 1995.
Jacqui DumontFormer Professional Dancer and highly qualified and respected dance teacher with over 30 years experience in administration, teaching, examining, choreographer and Dance Consultancy work.Trained in New Zealand under Sara Neil and Walter Trevor at 15 was invited to join the Royal New Zealand Ballet. Her distinguished career in teaching followed as Principal of The Dunedin School of Ballet. Appointed an Examiner of the Royal Academy of dance in 1981 and formed her own company ‘Dance Co-ordinates’ in 1983. She was awarded a Queen Elizabeth 11 Arts Council Bursary as recognition of her achievements. Jacqui directed and taught on the Australian Ballet School’s Teacher Training Program for Professional Dancers and Practising Teachers, and from 2000 to 2005 directed the Outreach program for The Royal Ballet School in London that included the Associates, Teacher Link, International Summer School’s, and Education in the Community Departments. Jacqui returned to Australia to live in 2005 and continues to be a Guest Teacher and Tutor, including for Ballet Companies, as a faculty member at International Summer Schools and as an Adjudicator for Ballet and Dance Competitions nationally and internationally.
Jacqui is currently Director of the International Summer School at McDonald College in Sydney Australia in January 2007.
Arcadi CarbonellDirector and professor of dance in the Real Conservatorio de Madrid.
He has been professor of classical Ballet in the Real Conservatorio de Danza Clásica de Madrid, since 1970, professor at the Vassar College, Pouhkeepsie of New York and he is a member of the International Group of Professor of the Royal Academy of Dancing in London. He has numerous academic degrees. He has attended more than thirteen course. He has taught several improvement classes to professors and pupils. In his curriculum, it gives especial mention for his contribution to Spanish Festivals (1970) or performances such as Giselle, Coppelia, The Swan Lake by the Royal Academy of Dancing.Among his performances, stands out his roles as a main dancer in the Sylphs in 1967 at the Theatre Calderon de la Barca, in 1968, as main dancer in El Carnaval, at the Calderon de la Barca, in 1971, Acts as main dancer in The Emperor’s concert and Carmina Burana at the Roman Theatre of Mérida, in 1972, He performs the second act of Swan lake at the Barberini Palace in Rome, for the Acadèmia Arte nel Mondo Leonardo DaVinci.
He has worked in 45 choreographies, some as famous as the Clear Moon Symphony of Beethoven (1967), the III act of the Lake of Swans (1969), the II act of the Sleeping beauty (1970), the Ravel bolero (1983) and la Danza del Fuego de Falla (1996), among others.
Teaching Staff
Anna SanchezContemporary dance teacher
Trained in classical, jazz and contemporary dance (Limon and Graham), her style combines the technique, expression and the energy changes in order to achieve good freedom in movement.
She has a way to work in which either a glance, a small gesture, a difficult turn, a great jump or a fall are equally important.
Director of the Anna Sánchez Companyia de Dansa from 1985 to 1990, she is now Director of the Companyia Inconnexa, founded in 2002, and of the Varium School of Dance of Barcelona since 1987.
She is the Artistic Director of the International Dance Festival of Sant Cugat since 2000. She has worked and still does at many international courses all over Europe. Furthermore, she colaborates as a guest teacher at the schools of Epsedanse (Montpeller), Cafedanse (Ais de Provença) and James Carles (Tolosa of Llenguadoc). She has also worked as a guest teacher in different companies such as S.O.A.P (Rui Horta), Metros (Ramon Oller), Marta Carrasco, Trànsit (Maria Rovira), Mar Gómez, Norrdanse (Sweden) and Ballet Preljocaj (France).
Due to her teaching experience, she has been granted the recognition of the French Ministry of Culture, being allowed to give classes at the official conservatoires of dance of all the country.
Anthony DowsonEnglish National Ballet school.
Antony Dowson trined at The Royal School and graduated into The Royal Ballet. He was promoted to Principal in 1985 and created roles in works by Ashton, MacMillan, Tetley and Kylian, as well as dancing leade roles in all the classical repertory. In 1992, he graduated from the Academy’s Professional Dancers Teaching Course, and has been a permenent member of faculty at English National Ballet School for the past fifteen years. Antony Dowson is frequently a guest teacher with many international companies and schools. In 1990,2000 and 2002 he choreographed Adagio for Strings, Alleged Dances and Capriccio for English National Ballet Schjool’s end of year preformances. He was made Head of Dance 2004 and has just created Memento for the Royal Ballet Company’s Inspired by Ashton programme at Linbury Theatre.
the Generalitat de Catalunya
Junor de Oliveira Souasa
Second prize equipped with 3000 euros by
the Diputació de Tarragona
Neus Expósito Fernández
Third prize equipped with 1500 euros by
the Ajuntament de Reus
Eliabe d’Abadia
Classified prize to the best one of Catalunya equipped with 900 euros by
the Local Consell with the Baix Camp
Anna Peñarroya Esteve
Popular Prize equipped with 600 euros by
the Associació de Professors with dansa of you line up to them of Tarragona
Eliabe d’Abadia
Prize scholarship of studies of Performance School de la Royal Academy of Dace of Londres
– Spain delegation–
Sergi Nicolau Castellanos
Prize scholarship of studies Internacional Summer School of Sydney – Australia –
Junor De Oliveira Souasa
Eliabe d’Abadia
Prize scholarship of studies of School the International of dance of Guadalajara
– Mexico –
Neus Expósito Fernández
Sergi Nicolau Castellanos