VII International Competition of dance Roseta Mauri 2015
Brigitte LefèvreDirector the Paris Opera Ballet
Brigitte Lefèvre joined the Paris Opera Ballet School at the age of eight and entered the corps de ballet at the age of sixteen. During her years at the Opera, she not only danced the major classical works, but also in ballets by George Balanchine, Roland Petit, Maurice Béjart or Gene Kelly. In 1970 she choreographed her first work, Mikrocosmos (to music by Bartok). She left the Opera in 1972 to found the Théâtre du Silence together with Jacques Garnier, based in La Rochelle, between 1974 and 1985.
Henning AlbrechtsenClassical dance teacher
Henning Albrechtsen joined the Royal Danish Ballet in 1985, where he danced a variety of soloist and principal parts of classical and neo-classical repertoire – from Bournonville to Balanchine. Since 1997 he has been a teacher at Royal Danish Ballet School. In 2000, he was appointed Deputy artistic director of RDB, a position he held until 2007. That same year he enrolled at the Teachers Training Programme for former professional dancers at National Ballet School of Canada and completed the one year educational programme and was invited back to the Royal Danish Ballet school as a full time teacher in 2008. Henning Albrechtsen has taught at various schools around the world among others at the National Ballet School of Cuba, National Ballet School of Canada. Furthermore, he has taught the Bournonville style in Australia, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, Norway and Spain.
Giorgio ManciniDirector and choreographer of the GM Ballet
Giorgio Mancini attended Rome’s Accademia Nazionale di danza and afterwards continuing his training at Maurice Béjart’s Mudra School. Having had a brilliant career as a dancer in the Ballet du XX Siècle and in the Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Mancini was appointed director of the Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève, where he had danced. Nine years later, he took over the direction of company MaggioDanza of Florence until 2007, when Mancini engaged as an international choreographer.In August 2011, Giorgio Mancini created his own dance company, the GM Ballet. From June 2013 to April 2014, he took over again the artistic direction of MaggioDanza. His repertoire includes adaptations of classical ballets: Swam Lake, Giselle, Coppelia, Rome and Juliet; and the creation of abstract ballets: Words no longer heard, H pour P – La Campanella, F L O R A, A nima, L U N A and Mozart per Gioco.
Jone San MartínCoreographer and performer.
Jone San Martín studied with Menxu Medel in San Sebastian (Spain), at Institut del Teatre of Barcelona and at Maurice Béjart’s Mudra School in Brussels. Despite having started her professional career in Spain —she danced in the National Ballet of Spain in 1987-88— she has mainly worked in Belgium and Germany, where she has danced in companies such Archipel Sud, José Besprosvany, Jacopo Godani’s company, The Ballet of Charleroi, and Ulmer Theater with Phillippe Talard. In 1992, William Forsythe invited San Martín to join the former Frankfurt Ballet and since then his career as a performer and soloist dancer has been closely linked to the American choreographer. Since its creation in 2005, Jone San Martín is part of The Forsythe Company.Her artistic restlessness has driven her to collaborate within the fine arts’ field, the cinema and video: invited to open the Francis Bacon exhibition along with Forsythe in the Museum Haus der Kunst Munich, creating for the painter Angelica Gilbert, the sculptor Bruno Fegero or Tamara Cirz, among others. In the cinema and video field she has collaborated in works such as The mind machine of Dr. Forsythe, Jonemanak or Meat me. In 2006, Jone San Martín, received the Artistic Career Award from the Dance Professionals Association of Gipuzkoa in the Basque Country.
Teaching Staff
Arantxa ArgüellesBallet Teacher 2015
Arantxa Argüelles made her debut at the age of 11 with her hometown’s company, Ballet Clásico of Zaragoza, and two years later she joined the Ballet Clásico Nacional de España. Throughout her carreer as a dancer, she has been a principal dancer at the Ballet Nacional of Spain, Berlin Opera’s Ballet and at the Royal Danish Ballet —in these two last companies under the direction of Peter Schaufuss—. In 1996, Argüelles toured with Moscow’s Stanislavsky Ballet with the La Sylphide production, performing as dancer for the last time in Madrid. Argüelles was a regular invited artist at the Festival de Ballet de La Habana (Cuba) and she has worked with renown ballet masters such as Maya Plisetskaya and danced with outstanding dancers like Julio Bocca, Charles Jude or Laurent Hilaire in international galas. In 1997, she was appointed Artistic Director of the Ballet de Zaragoza, a position she hold for two years. Currently, Arantxa Argüelles has her own studio in Zaragoza, where she teaches ballet and pilates, and she is also regularly invited to teach in several dance companies such the Ballet of La Scala of Milan.
Jone San MartínWorkshop on William Forsythe repertoire
Jone San Martín studied with Menxu Medel in San Sebastian (Spain), at Institut del Teatre of Barcelona and at Maurice Béjart’s Mudra School in Brussels. She had danced in companies such Archipel Sud, José Besprosvany, Jacopo Godani’s company, The Ballet of Charleroi, and Ulmer Theater of Phillippe Talard; before joining the Frankfurt Ballet and since then her career as a performer and soloist dancer has been closely linked to William Forsythe. She started with The Forsythe Company in 2005, when the company was created.
Lluís CarmonaPianist
As a pianist he has specialised in dance accompaniament and composition, working and collaborating with companies in such as Jeu Ballet du France, Última Vez (Belgium), Rosas (Belgium), and in companies based in New York like José Limón’s or Merce Cuningham Studio. He has accompanied renown ballet and dance masters and choreographers such as Maria de Ávila, Carmen Roche, Víctor Ullate, Carmina Ocaña, Anne Therese de Keersmaker, Susanne Linke, Dominique Mercy, Elizabeth Corbett, Guillermina Coll, Marta Munsó, among others.
the Generalitat de Catalunya
Orión Picó
Second prize equipped with 2000 euros by
the Diputació de Tarragona
Almendra Navarro
the Ajuntament de Reus
Rocío Molina
Pablo González
Mariona Puente
Orión Picó